Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two articles in one day! My goodness!!!

That's right. I cranked out another article!
I tried to make a bunch of empty Hubs with topics I wanted to write on so I could easily just sit down and jot some stuff down.
Got going and then I came out with another article for the Hub Challenge!
I might be in the running still, if I can keep this kind of pace up!

Anyway here is the next Hub #9!
All about Japanese Hot Springs or 'Onsen' -- An Etiquette Guide

Hub Challenge Article #8

Been away a few days, very busy at work; sorry for the lack of update.
I've made my 8th article for the HubChallenge, but we're at the halfway point.
I'm not feeling it anymore, I may not be able to complete the challenge.

I want to provide more quality work and I am too busy with work and my quest for a 6-pack.

Anyway, here is my latest; might be a touchy topic but let's see how it goes.
Japan's rising murder trend, a foreigner's analysis

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day #10 - 3 Behind Oh boy!

Here is my 7th article but on day 10! Crap!!!!! Gotta catch up....I'm not sure if I can do it anymore, but at least I'll give it a try!!!
If anything I'll just rewrite my picture to say 30 Hubs in 30 + or - 2 days. =)
Japanese Obon, 'Festival of the Dead'

Friday, July 31, 2009

Git Along Lil HubNugget - I was Nominated!!!

Hi Everyone!
Guess what, I was nominated in the HubNuggest competition again!
This time I'm going to try to promote a little better.
Please head on over and cast a vote (for me, of course ;p) !!
This time is a little easier, I was nominated two weeks ago but there was a darn Undercover-Lawyer who stole the show!!!
Honestly though, his work was great but this time around he is missing! So it's time to steal the show!!! =)
Cast your vote and let the best hubber win!

Click here to vote for Richard's Hub on Apartment Costs in Japan!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

HubChallenge Day...Uhh....What day is today again!?

Ah I forgot what day of the HubChallenge I'm on...I think maybe Day 7.
Regardless, I have attempted to push my enevelope quite a bit by following the flagship hub guideline.
1500+ Words
5 Pictures
3 Videos
10 Links w/ Descriptions

Quite a challenge, but I learned a lot doing it.
My chosen topic; Funeral Rites in Japan. How did I come up with that?!
Well Obon is coming up and I started to write about that but realized that death itself was a huge topic so I aught to cover it.
So I did!
And here it is:
Japanese Funeral Rites, a descriptive guide to

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fell behind?! Naaaah, just saving my strength.

So yesterday I was VERY busy at work. There was no time after work either to write.
I was not interested in writing, in fact, I had a tough time trying to conform to the HubMob this week which is Men's Health.
Just not interested in balding, cancer and depressing topics.
I thought about writing on fashion and other topics of health such as mental and physical health, but it seems more appropriate for their own categories not in Men's Health.
So today I decided to ditch the cross-promotion this week and stick with my own group fill-out strategy.

What is the group-fill out strategy?
I reassigned all my hubs to categories and found which ones were weak and needed filling out, Good for cross promotion I thought. =)
And it's true, I was able to talk about Cool Biz (my previous hub) in this one. Good enough for me.

Hope you enjoy this one: Undershirts to Prevent Sweat Stains in Summer!?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hub Challenge Day #4 - Cool Biz

So, today is day #4 of the challenge. Luckily I had planned to keep 1 a day pace since I joined Hub Pages on July 6th so I am not feeling so much pressure to get this challenge completed. Luckily...

Today was a bit difficult to find a write-able topic but as I posted on the HubChallenge Forums I recategorized all my hubs and found areas I could add and improve upon. Today I chose to improve my clothing section by writing about Cool Biz (though this can cross over into Culture and Business! Damn).

Take a look and enjoy!
Doing Business in Japan during Summer, Cool Biz

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day #3 of the HubChallenge

Here it is Sunday and I am on day #3 of the HubChallenge. Things are going good.
I feel this topic was a lot stronger than my last one on Ice Cream. This one I had a lot to write about just from the top of my head.
I sat down and wrote out all the text segments at once then found pictures and polished the Hub.

It's a pretty important read if your thinking about living in Japan, there are a lot of extra costs you may not know about when you come here.
Better to be prepared than sticker shocked when you try to move into your first apartment.

Read more here: The Extra Cost of Renting an Apartment in Japan

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day #2 of the HubChallenge

So here we are on Day #2 and I'm already facing a bit of a problem! I thought I had a good article idea, Ice Cream but it turned out to be kind of weak.
Not much on words, more on Pictures; but at least it's something to look at.
I don't feel it's my best, but I think it's due to it being the weekend and watching TV while I write...can't focus.

Anyway, take a look and see what you think:
Japanese Ice Cream Products

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 1 of the 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallenge

So today I am starting, officially, my 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallenge. Kind of funny coming from a guy who has been participating in the HubPages community for about 2 weeks. But hey, whose counting; right?
So my first topic was to write about Umeshu, or Japanese Plum Wine. It's a personal favorite of mine and I wanted to keep participation in this week's HubMob on Summertime Products alive. I figure why not participate in both sources of attention (yes I'm an attention whore like that). I think I'm smart, but I wonder how many other people will do the same?!?

Anyways, here is the Hub; hope you enjoy!
Make your own Japanese Plum Wine, a GREAT Summertime Alcoholic Beverage

Why so much Traffic?

For some reason this article:
Women Only Train Cars in Japan

Is doing really, really well. I'm confused, I didn't really do anything special for it but I must have hit some really good keyword or something...

Take a look at my statistics on it:

That's huge! Some of my other hubs get 0 views in a day and this guy is getting crap loads....for some reason the Japanese sites really like it...good for me I guess?

Beginning of C...Ch....Change?

Yes, it's time to change my thoughts on Blogging. I am creating this blog to not only chronocle-ize myself but to help give back links to my hub pages. I'm that shameless. It's a good idea to start writing this, anyway, but if I'm going to make this I might as well kill 2 birds with one stone, right?

The real reason I started writing this is because I'm going to take part in the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge (which really isn't a challenge for me). I want to be able to write about what I'm doing and keep track of my progress here and provide some juicy back links to myself and to help others who may not have good ideas learn how to get ideas for their own articles (it's really quite easy to come up with ideas).

You can find me on HubPages at

Alright! Let's rock n' roll people!